Happy Mother's Day
1 min read
Happy Mother's Day... Mom
My mother is the best
because she taught me how to be strong,
how to be my self,
how to be a dreamer,
how to be a creator…
she spoiled me to the bone,
she disciplined me to the core,
she showed me there are more shades of life then merely black and white,
she shared how painful it is to grow old, yet to think like a child…
she made mistakes so i could learn,
she sowed the seed of love in me that make me grow each day
she is always there even when I least expect,
she told me to be human and not perfect
dedicate this day to my strong beautiful mother Retno Asih
1 comment
Selamat hari bahagia ibu. Berkat nikmat semoga selalu dilimpahkan oleh Allah swt kepada para ibu di hari bahagia ini.
kita semua wajib menghormati dan menghargaiibu. Ibulah yang melahirkan kita, mendidik kita, mengasuh kita sejak bayi, membesarkan kita. ibulah yang memberi air susu saat kita bayi, ibulah yang selalu mengasihi dan menyayangi putra-putrinya.
terima kasih ibu atas semua yang telah kau berikan padaku. hanya do'a yang dapat ku panjatkan untuk kebahagian ibu.
sekali lagi terima kasih ibu.